I've just posted on www.fritchie.blogspot.com He is raising some good issues......it should be something we all look seriously at.
These mumbo jumbo speakers and their theology need to be challenged. I contend however that their theology is not the main problem...in fact it is far more basic and far more sinister. It is what they get out of it! Inevitably they have the 'giving' speech. This giving ends up with them being the primary beneficiaries of their teaching. It shows itself in the expensive and luxurious lifestyles they have which for some includes private jets.This self serving practice means they end up with serious misbeliefs that cloud and influences all they do....including their study of the Bible. They begin to see all sorts of things that all reinforce their practice and lifestyle. the Bible ceases to be challenge to them but instead becomes another vehicle that reinforces all they have, do and believe.Its evil!