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Recently a mate said that I seemed angry while I was preaching. A lot does make me angry but I also know how shallow I am. Angry and Shallow sums me up in a lot of ways. So as an angry and shallow man I will be making weekly (or maybe more often) comments on things I think we need to face and that I want to say. I also want to hear what you think about them.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rugby World cup.

All Blacks doing well.

No time to blog!!!!!

Talk Later.

PS Sad about the Warriors.....but they did well

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The APEC summit in Sydney Australia amazes me for a number of reasons. One is that it is costing the Aussies more than 350 million dollars, protests are banned, traffic in areas is banned and the American Secret Service are granted a special exemption to carry arms. At the same time the Indigenous people are still waiting basic justice, there are hospital waiting lists due to lack of funds, poor housing for some and the list goes on.

We are quick to spend money on the rich and powerful defending them and looking after them while not extending the same to the poor, disenfranchised and lonely.

Jesus said that as much as we to the least we do to Him and Paul says it is sin to honour the rich at the expense of the poor. This what we are doing in Sydney. I would contend that what we are doing there is just an extreme example of what we do daily in our societies.....and yes in our churches.

Its wrong. Its got to stop. We have to stop being complicit with our silence......especially in our churches.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

A few other things that annoy me where people should TAI...think about it...

Slow drivers
Slow drivers that speed up whne there is a passing lane
Shop assistants that 'hover' around you
George Bush and his policy on Iraq
90% of tele evangelists.