In my last post I spoke of the misuse of the cross. Too often we project our own fears, insecurities onto God and then use that to justify ourselves. A classic case of this is shown in the recent tragic killing of a two year old here in New Zealand. Basically a gang drive by shooting of another gang pad resulted in the death of a two year old asleep on the couch in the lounge. Immediately local mayors and politicians are screaming how we have to ban gangs, not allow them to assemble, and lets get them etc. WE NEED REVENGE comes through loud and clear from our so called 'leaders'. Apart from the fact that this further escalates tensions and makes it much less likely for the gangs to reconcile and act justly, it shows how the need for vengeance is strong in us. It's wrong for the gang to want and take revenge against the other gang but its ok for those in power to do so! Those in power use this to raise their profile and stick it to the opposition. From this it is easy to see how we project this onto God and the cross.
So if God is not with the powerful and vengeful in this case where is He? I'm not sure but I think its with the hurting, grieving family of the little girl who at her tangi (funeral) said "today is not about the gangs but about our little girl". He would be working at bringing the sides together to talk, cry and reconcile and then to do justice. The quiet, gentle whisper of the Spirit is standing with the family in their grief and standing with the perpetrators in their fear and confusion.
Maybe we need to put aside our anger which usually flows out of fear and quietly try to reflect what God is doing.........but then what would I know!
4:33 pm
Hey Daryl... one of my good friends know you....
9:59 pm
Who mate?
9:45 pm
"Maybe we need to put aside our anger which usually flows out of fear and quietly try to reflect what God is doing.........but then what would I know!"
Then why don't you shut your crap hole and let God speak. Isn't the world sick to death of self-described Christians thinking they have some understanding of the mind of Christ? You know fuck all, arsehole.
3:48 pm
Robbie P...I play rugby with him...
12:11 pm
Hey D... your internet broken? :)
12:16 am
7:10 pm
Hi mate.....I've been slack...back onto it now. We will see for how long!!!